bangle11111's Profile

My Details
Country | USA |
Age | 51 |
Location | California |
City | Los Angeles |
Preferred Age | From 55 To 85 |
Height | 5ft11-6ft (180-183cm) |
Body Hair | Smooth |
Facial Hair | None |
Build | Regular |
Smoker | Non Smoker |
Role | Active |
Ethnic Origin | Hispanic |
Last Logged On | over 30 days ago |
I consider myself | Not completed |
'Like to meet people interested in Cinema Golf Skiing'
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Looking for a mature gent for friendship and fun. I am a nice guy, and very eager to learn.
I do travel quite extensively throughout the US through my work. So please do not think distance a barrier. Love Florida during the winter months.
Do message me if at all interested.
A preference to those with a photo available on their profile. Members can password protect photos for complete privacy so no excuses. lol
About Me
I do travel quite extensively throughout the US through my work. So please do not think distance a barrier. Love Florida during the winter months.
Do message me if at all interested.
A preference to those with a photo available on their profile. Members can password protect photos for complete privacy so no excuses. lol
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